Here at the Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at the University of Hong Kong, we are engaging in vibrant collaboration with researchers around the world, including Mainland China, Canada, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Macau, New Zealand, Poland, U.K. and the U.S.
Collaborators in past and ongoing projects include:
Bertram Gawronski, University of Texas at Austin
Chao Hu, Hangzhou Normal University
Dandan Zhang, Shenzhen University
Galen Bodenhausen, Northwestern University
Genyue Fu, Hangzhou Normal University
Haiyan Wu, University of Macau
James Antony, Princeton University
James Gross, Stanford University
Jan De Houwer, Ghent University
Jennifer Beer, University of Texas at Austin
Kang Lee, University of Toronto
Ken Paller, Northwestern University
Lara Aknin, Simon Fraser University
Liyang Sai, Hangzhou Normal University
Michael Anderson, Cambridge University
Narun Pornpattananangkul, Otago University
Peter Rosenfeld, Northwestern University
Pierre Gagnepain, Normandie Université
Quanying Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology
Qiang Liu, Sichuan Normal University
Robert Balas, Polish Academy of Sciences
Robin Nusslock, Northwestern University
Shaozheng Qin, Beijing Normal University
Yina Ma, Beijing Normal University
Yixuan Ku, Sun Yat-sen University
Yuejia Luo, Beijing Normal University
Zara Bergstrom, University of Kent
Zhiguo Zhang, Harbin Institude of Technology, Shenzhen
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