Responsive image

Sleep Experiment General Instruction

If you have any questions, please contact the experimenter.

Experiment content and ethical considerations

All of our experiments have passed ethical review. Before the experiment, you will be given a consent form which details the experimental procedure, length, participant fee and more. We will only begin the experiment after you have read, understood and signed the consent form. If you have any questions, please contact the experimenter.

Experimental equipment

According to the specific experiment, you may be required to use different types of equipment. Please check the recruitment flyer/poster for more details.

  • 腦電圖(EEG)相關內容 EEG information

  • Responsive image

    During the experiment, we may use an electroencephalogram (EEG) to record your brain waves. We will help you wear a specialized cap (shown in red in the above image), and inject small amounts of starch and saline solution through the small pores on the cap. The solution connects your scalp with the electrodes on the cap in order to record your brian activity. There are no known dangers or risks associated with EEG recording, and the cap itself will not generate any electricity. However, the solution could stick to your hair and scalp after the cap is removed. To help with this, you may wash your hair before leaving (our lab will provide the necessary towels, shampoo etc.)

    Sleep Environment

    We have prepared a clean bedroom and bathroom for you:

    Inside the lab, we have prepared:

  • 床上物品:保證一位實驗者進行一次替換。
    Bedsheets, blankets and pillows: Washed and disinfected between each participant
  • 浴室內提供沐浴露、洗髮水及毛巾。到達實驗室後,您需要在實驗室洗頭髮洗頭髮。請勿使用護髮素。這是為了減少頭皮因為油脂等所造成的電阻,並提高實驗所記錄到的腦電信號質量。
    Shower, shampoo and towels: After arriving in the lab, you will need to wash your hair. Please use shampoo, but not conditioner. This is to prevent the oil from dry/dead scalp skin from interfering with our EEG recording, and increase the quality of our data.
  • 早晨將會提供簡單的早餐(牛奶與麵包)。
    We will provide a simple breakfast in the morning (milk and bread)

  • 實驗前您需要做的準備:
    Things to prepare before coming to the experiment

  • 實驗當天避免化妝。
    Please do not wear makeup on the day of the experiment.
  • 實驗當天避免配戴隱形眼鏡。如果您近視,請配戴框架眼鏡。
    Please do not wear contact lenses on the day of the experiment, and wear glasses instead.
  • 請避免空腹來做實驗。
    Please try not to come to the lab on an empty stomach.

  • 您無需特別準備什麼物品,但您可以攜帶以下物品以供您自己更好的入睡:
    Below are some optional items you may wish to bring to the lab:

  • 牙刷與牙膏。因為衛生問題,我們不會提供牙刷與牙膏。
    Toothbrush and toothpaste: Due to hygiene reasons, we will not provide these.
  • 睡衣。您可以帶比較舒服的睡衣,幫助您睡的更好。
    Pajamas: Bringing your own sleepwear may improve the quality of your sleep.
  • 浴巾。我們會給您提供毛巾,但如果您需要的話,您可以攜帶自己的毛巾。
    Towels: We will provide clean towels in the lab, but you may bring your own.
  • 其他對於您來說必要的洗漱用品。
    Other items necessary for your nightly routine.
  • 其他能夠幫助您睡的更好的東西。
    Other items necessary for a good night’s sleep.

  • 實驗地點與聯繫方式
    Experiment location and contact details

    3.12, 三樓

    Rm 3.12, 3/F,
    HKJC Building for Interdisciplinary Research,
    Sassoon Campus,The University of Hong Kong
    5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

    After you arrive on the 3rd floor, please contact the experimenter.

    How do I get to the Sleep Lab?

    HKU students and staff can take the school shuttle bus to the HKJC Building for Interdisciplinary Research or the HKU medical school. You can scan the QR code below to access the bus timetable.

    If you need to take public transport, you may take any minibus or bus that goes to Queen Mary Hospital. After arriving at the hospital, you can take the footbridge across the street, and head down Sassoon road for around 1 minute. You will then arrive at the HKJC Building on the left (you should see a big roundabout as well). After entering the main building, take the elevator to the third floor. After arriving, please contact the experimenter.

    Chinese Version: Danni Chen
    English Version: Sean Guo

    Contact Us

    Social & Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
    Room 6.80, 6/F,
    Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus,
    The University of Hong Kong,
    Hong Kong, S.A.R. China
    Dr. Xiaoqing Hu
    Associate Professor

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    Social & Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory all rights reserved
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